Monday, March 2, 2009

The Most Controversial Subject I've Taught About

What would you guess has sparked the most opposition of anything I've taught in the past years? Think about it before you keep reading. I'll give you a hint. If you've watched my "101 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday" videos on YouTube, it's one of them.

The topic? Keeping the Sabbath day. On YouTube, Lie #101 was that "Sunday Is The Christian Sabbath." That one brought the house down in anger - at least the Sabbatarian House (those who believe we still must observe Saturday as the Sabbath Day).

I've been amazed how many people have become outraged with me for daring to suggest that Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest now and that we aren't under a law to observe the seventh day of the week as a Sabbath Day anymore.

The point of the video was to correct the faulty view held by many Christians that Sunday is the new Sabbath Day. The Sabbath Day is the seventh day - Saturday. I didn't imagine what a can of worms that video would open. Some have emailed me, telling me that I'm going to hell. Others have said I'm destroying the church. Others have accused me of denying the Word of God. Wow, all that for saying it's okay to go to the mall on Saturday? :)

What's amazing is that those who so vehemently argue that we must still observe the Sabbath seldom do it themselves. Do they drive? Take more steps than "a Sabbath Day's journey" would allow? Cook? Spend money for anything? Do anything at all that any serious Orthodox Jew would recognize as a violation of the day? Be assured, they all break it no matter how loudly and proudly they tell you otherwise.

And on that note, why are they so big on the Sabbath Day while ignoring or at least minimizing the other Laws? One whole denomination is built around the idea that we should worship on Saturday and many believe if you don't, you've taken the mark of the beast. Why doesn't somebody start a church built on the idea that we shouldn't commit adultery, or steal, or bear false witness, etc? You might can slide on those but, boy-oh-boy, when Saturday rolls around you'd better be in your place.

I don't mean to sound ungracious in this post, but it irks me to see how many people are living in bondage because of this teaching. Besides, grace sometimes takes a harsh approach. If you don't believe it, ask the Apostle Paul. Or better yet - Jesus, who didn't mince words with Pharisees.

The Apostle Paul wrote, "Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day - things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ" Colossians 2:16-17.

There's no doubt about it - a lot of C.R.A.P. (Christian Rules And Procedures) is being taught out there, but this is the one that's in my face today. Hence, this blog :) Maybe I just need a nap....

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