When Jesus Christ came to this world, He didn't abandon His Deity. Theologians call it the hypostatic union. He was simultaneously absolutely God and absolutely man. For the Godhead to bring us into the Trinitarian Circle of Love that has existed for all eternity, He became man in the person of Jesus so that He could reunite us to Himself. Jesus lived a sinless life, and then with the love of the Father in the body of the Son through the power of the Spirit, completed the mission He came to do. "It is finished!" cried Jesus, forever expelling the need for you to do anything other than revel in His finished work and what that means.
When Jesus ascended back to heaven forty days later, He didn't leave His human body behind. The man, Christ Jesus, went back to heaven. Just as He didn't leave His Deity behind when He left heaven to come to earth, neither did He leave His humanity behind when He left earth to return to heaven. Is He 100% God? Of course, He is, but He is still 100% man too. The Bible teaches in Zechariah 13:6 that when He comes back, Jesus will still bear the marks of the crucifixion in His body. Forever He is God and forever He will be man.
The beauty of the manhood of the Son of God today is that, as a man, He mediates divine life to us - not just in a building with a steeple on top, but in every area our lives. My love for music is His love for music. The thrill I feel when I hold my grandchildren on my lap comes from Him. My enjoyment of the sunrise I watched over Tampa Bay this morning was His enjoyment of what He made once again today. My appreciation for exciting experiences is the passion of the Godhead being expressed through me.
Do you see the point? Divine Life in you is there to animate your actions in every walk of life. The man, Christ Jesus, knows what it is to live on this earth with all its ups and downs, its burdens and blessings, and its obstacles and opportunities. And He lives in you, to express the life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit right in the mix of all of it. We're not in this thing alone. We dance through this world together with the Trinity empowering, encouraging and engulfing us in Divine Love at every step of the way.
There's a man in heaven today and in a mystical way that theologians have never quite been able to adequately explain, that man lives in you and will show you on this very day what Divine Life looks like when it is lived out through you on your job, at your school, in your home or wherever you may find yourself.
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