The word "radiance" is the Greek word apaugasma, which means "out-raying." Jesus is the expression of God's glory just as the rays of light that come from the sun express its essence. But what about this "glory" that Jesus perfectly expresses?
The word, "glory" is the word doxa. Here's the link to the Greek Lexicon so that you can see the word for yourself: http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/greek/nas/doxa.html Look at the first definition given there: "opinion, judgment, view." It's not until we come to the third definition in the list that we find anything having to do with brightness or splendor.
The first definition is the best definition in understanding what Hebrews 1:3 means when it tells us that Jesus is the radiance of God's glory. To be literal the verse could read this way, "Jesus is the out-raying of God's opinion." The verse goes on to elaborate by saying that He is the "exact representation of His nature."
Jesus exactly represents the nature of God and perfectly expresses the Father's opinion. The question arises, "Jesus expresses the Father's opinion of what or of whom?" The answer is, "you!" Why would I suggest that is the answer? It's simple. Jesus came to show us the heart of the Father toward us. One of the last things He did was to pray for us to know just how much we are loved. He even compared the perichoretic love shared in heaven with the love He wanted us to know. (See John 17)
The opinion of the Father toward us isn't one of condemnation. Sin has done enough of that to us already. His heart toward us is to love us and then love us and, having done that, He then will love us. If you want to see God's attitude toward you, look at how Jesus acted toward those who had sinned. All love, all the time. The only people you ever see the ire of Jesus directed toward were the self-righteous who loved themselves so much that there was no room in their lives for God's love.
So, when you read about the glory of God, think about the Father's opinion of you. Know that He loves and adores you, as Jesus made clear. Don't see yourself through the eyes of others who, at the least, love you less than perfectly. Don't see yourself through your own eyes, blurred by legalistic self-judgment and self-righteous scrutiny. See yourself as His beloved, in whom He is well pleased.
God is Love. That's the starting point for our properly understanding Him and it's the all inclusive framework through which we must see ourselves if we are to live healthy lives.
For God so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son so that you might see and believe how much He loves you and so that sin wouldn't have its natural outcome in your life by causing you to perish away but instead Agape will see to it that you have everlasting Life, abundant life, His life.
Stop depending on other people, yourself, your church background, your misbehavior, or even the way you have misread your Bible to give you your image of yourself. God has an opinion of you. Jesus has made it clear what that opinion is. He adores you. So don't insult Him by disputing His opinion of you. By faith, own it. Whether you feel it or not, own it. Whether you see it or not, own it. That's how faith works and as you exercise your faith in Him and His love, you will find healing and wholeness increase exponentially in your life.
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