And then suddenly, the arrow strikes. Jesus feels butterflies in His stomach and chills in His spine. A passion passes slowly through his heart and he sighs. This passion takes control of the moment. Even though you are not attractive, a desire to have you rises up in Him. He wants to own you for all eternity.
He waits for you with open arms. His life was aflame for you. From his eyes flowed a burning river that flooded his heart, which was dry with loneliness, because he wanted to submerge you in that very heart.
The Eternal Lover looked through the celestial window to hear the footsteps, conscious that they were your feet walking on the earthly streets. A smile was etched on His face and he said “That’s her! That’s her!” This is not a fairy tale or just a simple story. Jesus is in love with his beloved, the most beautiful of them all. It doesn’t matter if they tell Him that she is not worth it. He is blinded and totally attracted to her.
You are chosen as the person who awakens in Him a burning passion. When He falls in love with you He opens for you the secrets of His love. As you receive it, you are born again. Now you can hear in your heart the most romantic words “I am my beloveds, and He is mine!”
With His irresistible Spirit He touches our interior for the first time, taking us to the true light. In His time, He fills us with affection. We are accepted in His eyes and He softly saturates us with all that is He.
His love springs out like an exquisite bouquet of flowers, aromatic and exuberant that he gives to us through his life. The call of His love sunk into our being, His hands molded us. We are raised up to a place we never thought we would reach. Now we are light because of what He has done.
The force of His love inspires a song of love. We have been born in His love like the dawn is born from the night. The days continue passing, and an emotional Jesus, steps to the Father to express His desire.
“Father, I want to talk with you” Jesus says.
The Father responds, “I am here”
“Father I want to confess to you that I am in love, so in love that when I sit at the table and the angels serve our alphabet soup, I see her name written out.”
“Who is this privileged one?” responds His Father.
“She is on the earth. Father, I want to show her how much I am in love with her. May I have her? I want her for me, and only me!”
“Son, what are you willing to do for her?” His Father asked.
“I am willing to give my all!”
Although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:6-8).
Jesus is so in love with you that he left behind all of his privileges. In other words He left His throne, His majesty and His Gloria in Heaven (John 17:4),His position (John 5:30, Hebrews 5:8), His riches (2 Corinthians 8:9), His rights (Luke 22:27, Matthew 20:28) and the use of His Divine attributes (John 5:19, 8:28, and 14:10).
When Jesus emptied Himself of everything, it not only meant the voluntary restriction of His divine capabilities and privileges. It also meant the acceptance of suffering, of rejection, mistreatment, hate and the terrible death on the cross.
Even though he never stopped being completely divine, Jesus took up human nature with its temptations, humiliations and weaknesses, and yet “without sin” (Philippians 2:7-8 and Hebrews 4:15). Why did He do it? It was because He fell hopelessly in love with us. How much did He love us that he decided to leave everything for you?
Jesus stood before the table, telling His Father and all of the celestial beings “I want to get close to her through a new testament. I want to make a new covenant.”
Earthly courtship is just as important as the marriage. Why? Because the happiness of the marriage is determined by how successful the courtship is. A house built on a solid foundation will not fall easily. A field that is worked well, whose quality seeds are sown at the correct time will reap a fabulous harvest.
Dear readers, courtship is the stage in which we pass from “I” to “we,” from the reserved to the donation, from the singular freedom to the plural liberty, from the unknown to the known.
Some of the characteristics we look for in a courtship are: faithfulness, fidelity, purity, patience, friendship, generosity, sensitivity, among others. We also know that sometimes the courtship can be difficult with many struggles, but we can trust the person who is at our side. Jesus is our fiancé and He will counsel, help and accompany us during the entire courtship. Feel His loving heart and protective hand always. When the going is tough, His love is a great motivation and relief for all.
What a glorious vision our groom has! He is willing to show us the perfect courtship because He wants to have the desired person. He has decided to leap unheeded from His platform of love to His masterpiece to ask her to be His bride. Her invitation shines like the sun and its words are filled with truth.
“I want to pay an incalculable and indescribable price for her, a price no one has ever paid.” He said to His Father.
“What is the price you wish to pay.” His Father asked.
“My life! That will be my dowry.”
(This article is an excerpt from the book, God Enjoys You, by Gerardo Vazquez, Director for Grace Walk Latin America. Right now, the book is only available in Spanish, but hopefully that will change in the future!)
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