Faith doesn’t cause something to happen to the person who believes. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” He meant it. Faith is the work of the Spirit awakening us to the reality of what Christ has accomplished so that the objective reality of His finished work becomes our subjective experience. We don’t cause Him to do something for us by our faith. He has already done all that can be done at the cross. Faith is the recognition of that reality.
Jesus has lovingly drawn us back into the divine circle of Agape love that has always existed among the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To know and believe that is to live out of the original plan for which we were created. It is to live from the Tree of Life.
To live otherwise is to live from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and to be doomed to a lifestyle governed by the tyranny of judgmentalism in which every thought, word and deed must withstand the scrutiny of a moralism that Adam was told to avoid at all costs. We have been delivered from the death sentence of moral living and have been set free for miraculous living.
Our lives are nothing less than an expression of our Triune God, pouring out His love through us like the water shooting out of a fire hydrant. His goal is to soak everybody with the awareness of His Agape and He intends to do that through you, His favorite instrument to use for such a task.
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