Children naturally find strength in joy. I remember a joy I experienced as a young boy that generated a sense of physical strength in me. It was the joy of a new pair of tennis shoes. Paul Parrot Shoes sold a pair that had the personal guarantee of a talking parrot on the television commercial. Not only would he give you a free plastic egg filled with candy, but this parrot assured young customers that his shoes would “make your feet run faster, as fast as I can fly.”
On one occasion when my parents bought me a pair of shoes, I begged for Paul Parrot Shoes. When I got those shoes home, I put them on, laced them up and went outside to try them out. I timed myself as I ran completely around my house. It was true! I could feel the strength these shoes were giving me. I laughed out loud as I imagined Paul Parrot himself trying to keep up with my running if he were flying beside me. It was my fastest speed ever to run around my house. I had never actually timed myself before, but it didn’t matter. I just knew this was a record.
Do you want to find strength to “run and not grow weary?” (Isaiah 40:31) Then resolve to laugh and have fun. If anybody has a reason to do so, you do. The party in the kingdom of God is going on right now. Don’t be like the older brother in the story of prodigal son who stood outside and missed the fun. Come on in to the celebration and watch your strength grow.
Laughing at ourselves is a healthy part of a a godly lifestyle because reminds us that life doesn’t have to be taken so seriously. To laugh at yourself has the effect of a good dose of medicine. I have often laughed at my own weaknesses – my terrible sense of direction, my pathetic lack of mechanical skills, as well as many other things that I’m not secure enough to tell you right now!
Topping the list of causes to laugh at myself are the foolish things I have mistakenly said. There was the time in church after I had spoken when I wanted everybody to stand to their feet and bow their heads for prayer. That’s what I wanted. What I said was, “Will you please stand with your head bowed to your feet?” Later, some people told me that they thought I was beginning some sort of aerobics ministry right there on the spot. We all had a good laugh, especially me. My worst misspeak in church was when I was a young pastor teaching in church about what the Bible says concerning our responsibility to care for the older widows in the church. "The Scripture doesn't indicate that we have the same duty toward younger widows, probably because they're still young enough to get out and hustle for a living." As I watched the shoulders of the whole congregation start to shake with laughter in union as they tried to squelch their laughter, I realized what I said and remember that while I meant the word "hustle" to mean "work hard," they had another meaning of the word in mind. "You're all sick!" I finally laughingly said to the whole congregation.
Learn to laugh at your own idiosyncrasies and mistakes and you’ll discover that you can create a joyful atmosphere that’s literally refreshing.
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