No words, no words, does my soul have
To rightly speak of Grace,
But Papa’s tender hands reach down
To cup my troubled face.
He sees the little child in me
Who needs to bare my soul;
Who wants so desperately to speak –
To tell of things I know.
He sees my heart and knows its lack –
I need Him ever still;
His knowing eyes behold me
And with love they overfill.
No wondrous words are found in me,
So inadequate are they!
But I can hear a sound in Him –
It sings what I can’t say…
Tears of joy well in His eyes
And spill onto my cheek,
And now I realize just why
There is no need to speak.
Face to face, my God and I,
No use to search for words;
For LOVE requires no utterance –
It’s beyond what can be heard!
How can this be, this miracle?
Too amazing to comprehend.
And yet, by Faith, I know its true –
My words are found in Him!
Incredible, Astonishing!
Oh Papa, can it be?
You’ll open eyes and unstop ears
And I can just be me!
No words, no words, does my soul have
To rightly speak of Grace,
But Grace Amazing sings my name,
When with You, face to face.
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