Somebody recently sent me an email calling my attention to another critic of my ministry and message who has gone to great lengths to show how dangerous I am. (I still can’t quite figure out why friends think this will bless me.) This pastor called me an antinomian. He suggested that I don’t understand the complexity and duality of human nature. He even questioned my trust in the Bible. The only thing his article lacked was the insinuation that my last name might be linked with the Oklahoma City bombings a few years back. (That was Timothy McVeigh, not McVey.)
As I browsed around, I was relieved to learn that I’m not the only heretic out there. Apparently, I’m in good company with Billy Graham, who supposedly is in danger of hellfire for thinking somebody other than middle-aged white men might be in heaven. With Joel Osteen, whom allegedly will one day have that smile wiped off his toothy face. With Rick Warren who, although he is going there, doesn’t worry about it because he doesn’t believe in it. I could list others noted as members of the Heretics Hall of Shame. Some of them are even my friends. People like Bill Gillham, author of Lifetime Guarantee, the book God used to open my eyes nearly 20 years ago. How could anybody say such a mean thing about such a sweet guy!
Well, anyway -- I didn’t know I was such a bad guy. Well, at least I’m sincere – you gotta believe me on that one. The guy who wrote me that “hell will be really hot for you” just doesn’t understand me. Like all Christians, I’ve traveled the road I’m on and have come to the place I am because I believe God’s Spirit has brought me here. And the truth is, if this is the wrong place, all I know is that I sure ain’t going back to where I used to live. Been there, done that. For the last time.
I’ve traveled the religion road and found it only led me in circles. Finally, after many years of driving myself faster and faster in an attempt to find my way, I pulled off in a Rest Stop and don’t plan to ever leave here. I like it. In fact, I plan to spend the rest of my life standing on the side of the road and motioning for others to pull in and rest with me.
Yes, there are whiners in the wilderness – those who whine and criticize because they don’t understand God’s grace and think they are light years ahead of those who proclaim it. As I began by saying, most of the time I’m amused or amazed by them. Truthfully, sometimes I am agitated with them – particularly when their criticisms are about things they think I’ve said or believe when they actually have totally misunderstood my viewpoint. I’m thinking of the one guy who accused me of not believing the Bible. Now that’s a cheap shot with not a shred of basis for such an accusation.
Sometimes I feel sorry for these whining voices, but not often. I save that for legitimately weaker brothers, not wacky ones.
Why this particular blog article? So that others who are criticized will know you aren’t alone. One person recently said she was tempted to just shut up about “this whole grace thing” because of the trouble it is causing her. My advice is: “Don’t!” People need this message of grace we share. Let the whiners whine but let us refuse to back down or water down the gospel.
There is much at stake. Time is short. Grace is true. So let’s keep proclaiming it!
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