Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I’m a bonafide baby boomer. I was a teen during the late sixties and early seventies. I loved (and still do) the music of that time. Once somebody asked me, “Do you really like that drug music?” I answered, “I guess we know what you were doing during the sixties.” No, I don’t like the drug music – never did the music or the drugs. But I do like a lot of the old sixties music. It's like entering a time machine for me.

I heard a song lately that I hadn’t heard in a long time. Back in the day, many Christians called it “the atheist’s anthem.” It was Imagine by John Lennon. I thought about it and wondered if there was a way to redeem that song. Here’s my attempt: (You do know I write this article tongue-in-cheek, right?)

Imagine there’s no legalism, No struggles, no strife.
No rules to judge us, Within us only life.
Imagine all the Christians, Living really free.

Imagine grace filled churches. It isn’t hard to do
No sermons that condemn you. And no religion too.
Imagine all the pastors, Teaching grace and peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us, And know in Him, we all can live as one

Imagine no rededication. I wonder if you can
No need to make promises, To know in Him we stand
Imagine all believers, Enjoying life in Christ.

You may say that I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us, And know in Him, we all can live as one.

John Lennon imagined a utopia that he never lived to see. The one I imagine is becoming an increasing reality as we work together to share the message of God’s amazing grace and unconditional love with people all over the world. One by one, people everywhere are understanding their identity in Christ and being set free from the performance based prison of legalism they have lived in for so long.

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