From the manuscript I'm working on now - "52 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday" Taken from my online video series called "101 Lies Taught In Church Every Sunday." (That's too many for one book.)
Lie #14: Our Sins are Under the Blood of Jesus
Just like there are trite statements in all cultures that sound true on the surface, but don’t necessarily convey the truth, so it is in the church world. We’ve heard some things said in church that have been stated so often and sound so logical that we believe they must be true. This is one of those statements. Take a close look at that statement: Your sins are under the blood of Jesus. What could possibly be wrong with that affirmation?
The answer is directly related to understanding a major difference between the old and new covenant. You may remember how the high priests in the Old Testament would annually offer sacrificial animals for the sins of the people. When the blood of those animals was poured on the mercy seat, the sins of the people would be “under the blood” and God would overlook their sins for another year.
However, things have changed with the coming of the new covenant. The book of Hebrews teaches that Jesus was an infinitely better sacrifice than those offered in the Old Testament. In fact, He was the perfect sacrifice. When He offered Himself for our sins, His shed blood didn’t just cover our sins. By His sacrifice, our sins were taken away.
Hebrews 9: 26 says that, “At the consummation of the ages Jesus has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.” The words “put away” are one word in the Greek language, which means “to disannul, to do away with, to completely destroy.” Jesus didn’t come to cover your sins. He came to take your sin away and that’s exactly what He did.
1 John 3:5 says, “You know that he appeared in order to take away sins.” Remember the scene when Jesus showed up at the Jordan River where John the Baptist was baptizing? John said, “Look! It’s the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” That old covenant prophet, John, understood better than many Christians today that Jesus came to do something different than previous priests had done. He didn’t come to hide away our sins from God’s sight by putting them under the blood of a sacrifice. He came to do away with them completely.
So it’s actually great news to know that your sins are not under the blood of Christ. His blood doesn't cover them. The blood of Jesus Christ has taken your sins away! Some have said that the doctrine of justification is the teaching that because of Christ’s finished work, it is just-if-I never sinned. That makes good sense. In the eyes of your heavenly Father, you have an unblemished record. He isn’t overlooking anything. He has rewritten your history by taking away the sins of your past and giving you the history of Christ Himself.
Believing the lie that your sins are under the blood of Christ doesn’t honor the finished work of Jesus. Ironically enough, it actually diminishes His sacrifice. What He did is much greater than most Christians have understood. He doesn’t condemn us for our sins now because there are no sins to condemn. The cross has obliterated them!
Your sins have been blotted out and you have been made to become the righteousness of God in Christ. You don’t ever need to be bogged down with a preoccupation about sins again. Instead, you can now walk in the confidence of knowing that your life isn’t defined by sin anymore, but by the righteousness of the Christ who has become your very life.
So, though it sounds good, to say that our sins are under the blood of Jesus Christ is a lie. The Bible says our sins have been taken away from us, forever, by the finished work of Christ at the cross
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