March 21, 2002 9:23 a.m.....I remember staring at the clock on the microwave located in the kitchen, as I sat trying to pretend that this was not happening...that my 11 year old daughter had not just revealed to me and the social worker sitting across from us that she had indeed been abused by her step-father, my “perfect” pastor husband. But as I heard the words come from her lips and I watched the tears fall down her face...I became aware of the Truth in the room. It was one of those defining moments that forever changes the course of your life...there is nothing to prepare you for it. In the following years I have often asked God why he didn't change the course of events that resulted in years of pain and darkness, why was my daughter not spared...where WAS He....
The next year was so dark...I felt so painfully abandoned...I began to question my faith and who God was...I saw Him nowhere, I was sure that I had made a great cosmic mistake in ever believing in a benevolent God. What I did not realize is that God's plan was perfect...even in great tragedy and brokenness..that He had to allow my life to be completely broken, so as to rebuild upon His foundational truths...and fulfill a destiny in my life and the lives of my children. I had to learn to live the truth that His mercies are new every morning...and to trust Him as my provider. I lost my marriage, my disposal income, and what was left of my sanity...but I found that my “Maker is your husband-the LORD Almighty is his name—the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth.”
God was there with me through the journey, to minister healing to my daughter...and for my family to begin the process of restoration. My husband re-married two years later...through God's divine mercy I was able to forgive him and forge a relationship with him and his new wife that would benefit our two children. About a year ago, I received a “grace revelation” while being ministered to by one of your grace teachers, Elizabeth King. Since then, I have done the Grace Walk bible study twice and am reading your new book “Walking in the Will of God”.
Recently my children returned home from a spring break visit with their grandparents and I heard from them that their father had spoke in the pulpit of a church on a Sunday evening. I really had to work that one out with God. Did the grace of God allow for my husband to speak publicly to others about His mercy? Ultimately, I decided to phone my ex husband and find out what had transpired.
Here is what I discovered:
Years ago, after his sin and brokenness had cost him everything, his wife, his children, and his ministry...he had gone to the Word of God to try and alleviate the horrible burden of his guilt and shame. He found the Grace of God in the scriptures...a true Grace revelation. He has been listening to YOUR MINISTRY !! I was just DUMBFOUNDED, as I spoke with him and realized that God had led each of us to our own grace revelations and the true recognition of what God's gospel was in the person of Jesus Christ.
Steve, this amazes me that God can produce this work...only through His mercy and grace. I am undone...but I want to share this testimony so that others can find hope and healing. Truly, there is NOTHING that can separate you from the love of God.....and it is my sincere prayer that anyone who is struggling with sexual strongholds...and even those that are so abhorrent that lead to a child being abused; that they would find the Grace of God. It is never too late !
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