The Mials have been married for 53 years and have served as missionaries throughout their marriage. Melanie and I have commented to each other that we love to see people in their seventies who are still obviously so much in love. The Mials have crisscrossed the world together, but have spent the last few years investing their lives in South Africa, reaching the continent with the gospel through their ministry with TWR.
Bill talked to me this past year about recording radio programs that would be translated into various languages and broadcast across the continent there. My own circumstances have kept me from starting the project until now. During this trip, we've decided that the 101 Lies series I've done on YouTube and am putting into book form now may be a good approach in teaching pure grace in those countries in Africa where the gospel hasn't been heard and also as a remedial ministry in places where legalistic Christianity has already done damage.
Bill plans to send a few of the teachings to one of the key people in West Africa to get his feedback on the matter. The first wave of ministry will be to produce programs for the French speaking people of West Africa. Then we'll move forward to other languages afterward.
God has used the Mials to impact hundreds of thousands of lives, but since coming to understand the grace walk, their mission is to see to it that the world hears the message of the pure grace of God without the legalistic trappings that enslave new believers.
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