John, the Apostle, was exiled on the island of Patmos. He must have felt confused at times, trying to make sense of his circumstances. One day while he was worshiping, God parted the heavens and allowed John to see something that would forever change his way of seeing things in this life. Here's what he learned:
1. There Is A Supernatural Reality Around Us.
When the heavens were opened, John saw that there was another reality that transcends this one. It is a supernatural world where our God sits on His throne. He isn't pacing the corridors of heaven because this world is out of control. God is at rest, so we can be too.
We live in a dual world -- the seen and unseen. When we don't like what we see in this world, we can be encouraged to know that the unseen world is the dominant world. When your outlook is bleak, try the uplook.
2. There Is A Sovereign Ruler Over Us.
When the outward look in life seems dismal, the upward look can bring comfort and peace in the midst of any trying situation. John could have said, "Outwardly, I see a barren island imprisoning me, but upwardly I see my God on His throne. That's enough for me!"
Life doesn't just happen. God is in control of every detail. We may feel at times like we've been sentenced to a prison in our circumstances, but God is working out His perfect plan in our lives at every moment.
3. There Can Be A Spirit of Rejoicing Within Us.
Once we know that the world we can see is temporal and that the one we can't see with our eyes in eternal, we'll be able to look up and see the throne with Someone sitting on it. When we see Him and realize that He is in control of life, then we have reason to rejoice regardless of what our outward circumstances may be.
It was from prison that Paul wrote, "Rejoice in the Lord. I'll say it again: Rejoice!" Our joy is in the Lord. No matter what we may face in life, we can find joy because its Source is Eternal, not external. These are exciting days because our Life-Source is an eternal God who loves us with all His heart.
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