Monday, October 27, 2008

Plugging Away On "Walking In The Will of God"

I'm back in Tampa Bay where I'll be working on the will of God manuscript all this week, as well as recording the Grace In The OT teaching, which is already late this month. Melanie is in Atlanta with our family. I tell her that when I'm writing I need to get away from her because she is a distraction to me (in a good way). I hope to get much accomplished while I'm here at home alone.

The conference in Virginia Beach was a very enjoyable time for me. I really enjoyed the people and pastor at Bayside Baptist Church. The group was very responsive to the teaching, which always makes it a joy when you're teaching people the truth of God's grace.

I'll be glad when this Presidential election is over, won't you? I'm so tired of hearing political ads and predictions of gloom from both sides about what's going to happen if the other guy wins. These are indeed perilous times, from the human standpoint, but the truth of the matter is that "there is no authority than that which is ordained by God." (Romans 13:1) So whoever wins, God is still God and He's going to do what He's going to do regardless. I don't mean to sound indifferent about the whole process. Like everybody else, I have my opinions on the matter but I am so thankful that my opinions don't rule the world. My Sovereign God does.

I zoned out in front of the World Series on TV last night. There's an electricity in the air here about the Tampa Rays. I haven't gotten into baseball since we moved to Florida, but how could I not watch the game last night? I would really like to see the Rays win, especially considering their background story. I went to bed last night when the score was still 8-2. Unless they come back strong tonight, I think it's over for them.

Thanks for checking in on my blog today. I hope your day goes great.

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