Some time ago, I was reading the Bible and I noticed the words of Jesus in His final prayer before going to the cross. Although I had read these words many times before, it was as if I were seeing then for the first time. Tears filled my eyes as I read what Jesus said to His Father just hours before His death on the cross. “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given me to do” (John 17:4). I prayed that day: “Father, that’s what I want to be able to say when I leave this world — that I’ve glorified you on the earth, and I accomplished what you gave me to do.”
While Christianity is not only about doing, we learn that as Christ lives through us, there certainly are things we will do during our lifetime to make an eternal difference. You obviously want to do those things He has planned for you or you wouldn’t be reading this book.
It’s time for you to move out in boldness. You’ve put your fears and guilt behind you now. You thought that you found security in the familiar but now you realize that your so-called security was really just a prison of doubt and fear that held you back from experiencing all that God wants you to enjoy.
You were afraid to try new things, afraid of new situations, afraid of looking foolish to other people, afraid of failing if you were to try something different from your ordinary lifestyle. You are now beginning to move forward in faith. It’s okay that you may think your faith is wobbly faith. Stepping out and moving forward is an act of boldness. What you may feel on an emotional level isn’t the criterion for measuring your boldness. Actions indicate that. Faith is verb, which points to action, not an adjective that describes feelings.
A former U. S. military leader named Grace Murray Hopper once said, “A ship in port is safe. But that’s not what ships are built for.” We were not made for “safety” as our highest value. We were made to live an adventure!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Plugging Away On "Walking In The Will of God"
I'm back in Tampa Bay where I'll be working on the will of God manuscript all this week, as well as recording the Grace In The OT teaching, which is already late this month. Melanie is in Atlanta with our family. I tell her that when I'm writing I need to get away from her because she is a distraction to me (in a good way). I hope to get much accomplished while I'm here at home alone.
The conference in Virginia Beach was a very enjoyable time for me. I really enjoyed the people and pastor at Bayside Baptist Church. The group was very responsive to the teaching, which always makes it a joy when you're teaching people the truth of God's grace.
I'll be glad when this Presidential election is over, won't you? I'm so tired of hearing political ads and predictions of gloom from both sides about what's going to happen if the other guy wins. These are indeed perilous times, from the human standpoint, but the truth of the matter is that "there is no authority than that which is ordained by God." (Romans 13:1) So whoever wins, God is still God and He's going to do what He's going to do regardless. I don't mean to sound indifferent about the whole process. Like everybody else, I have my opinions on the matter but I am so thankful that my opinions don't rule the world. My Sovereign God does.
I zoned out in front of the World Series on TV last night. There's an electricity in the air here about the Tampa Rays. I haven't gotten into baseball since we moved to Florida, but how could I not watch the game last night? I would really like to see the Rays win, especially considering their background story. I went to bed last night when the score was still 8-2. Unless they come back strong tonight, I think it's over for them.
Thanks for checking in on my blog today. I hope your day goes great.
The conference in Virginia Beach was a very enjoyable time for me. I really enjoyed the people and pastor at Bayside Baptist Church. The group was very responsive to the teaching, which always makes it a joy when you're teaching people the truth of God's grace.
I'll be glad when this Presidential election is over, won't you? I'm so tired of hearing political ads and predictions of gloom from both sides about what's going to happen if the other guy wins. These are indeed perilous times, from the human standpoint, but the truth of the matter is that "there is no authority than that which is ordained by God." (Romans 13:1) So whoever wins, God is still God and He's going to do what He's going to do regardless. I don't mean to sound indifferent about the whole process. Like everybody else, I have my opinions on the matter but I am so thankful that my opinions don't rule the world. My Sovereign God does.
I zoned out in front of the World Series on TV last night. There's an electricity in the air here about the Tampa Rays. I haven't gotten into baseball since we moved to Florida, but how could I not watch the game last night? I would really like to see the Rays win, especially considering their background story. I went to bed last night when the score was still 8-2. Unless they come back strong tonight, I think it's over for them.
Thanks for checking in on my blog today. I hope your day goes great.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Headed For Virginia Beach, VA

Today I'm going to Virginia Beach, where I will speak to a men's group tomorrow morning, then teach a Grace Walk Conference at Bayside Baptist Church tomorrow night and Saturday. I'll have dinner tonight with a small group who are really excited about the grace walk.
I'll spend next week here in Tampa working on my "Walking In The Will of God" manuscript. My editor has told me that I need to lengthen the book so I hope to finish that within the next few weeks. The book is scheduled to be released by Harvest House Publishers on March 1.
Thanks to those who have asked about my Aunt's condition. She has greatly improved and will leave the Inpatient Rehab Unit at the hospital tomorrow and will go to her sister's home in another town for a while. We are thankful for the progress she has made and especially grateful to her church family for their loving attention to her throughout this whole ordeal.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Parody of Legalism

My grandsons, Jonathan and Jeremy, were here with us while their mother went to the vet to pick up their dog, Aslan. Actually, Aslan is more like a horse. He's a Labradoodle - apparently a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. (You read it right.) This breed of dog is extremely friendly but is very large, not always a good combination with children in the house whose height is approximately the same as the dog. It's his friendliness that presented the problem at hand this week.
Making conversation with my grandsons and thinking the dog went for shots of some kind, I asked, "Why did Mommy have to take Aslan to the vet?" Without hesitation, seven year old Jeremy answered, "Because he is acting crazy so he had to get his manhood cut off." Eight year old Jonathan began to howl with laughter and screamed, "That IS crazy!"
"You boys had better be careful not to ever act crazy around your mother!" I heard laughingly coming out of my own mouth as if I had some sort of grandfatherly Tourette's Syndrome. Thankfully, the statement fell flat on their seven and eight year old ears. Unfortunately, the same wasn't true with Melanie who yelled my name from the kitchen in a way that, after 35 years, I've come to recognize means that my own life may be in peril.
Poor Aslan. I thought from the beginning that a Shetland Pony would have made a better pet if my daughter and son-in-law were bound and determined to buy a gargantuan pet for their kids. But I'm not sure he deserved to be made a lifelong eunuch. Surely there must have been some way to teach him to behave without going to that extreme.
The application? My daughter was the legalist in this story and the veterinarian was the exacting hand of stern religion. Aslan is anybody in the world of dead religion who has the gall to live unashamedly, acting like who we are without inhibition. Live free and there are always those out there who'll try to make a eunuch out of you. Avoid these people at all costs. Veterinarian Community Church may look like a pretty place from the outside, but if you're not careful they'll take away your spiritual manhood and leave you singing soprano in the church choir.
Grace Loves Swaziland
When Melanie and I were in Africa last year, we had the opportunity to visit the small country of Swaziland. Our hearts were stirred with a desire to help these precious people in any way possible. When we returned home, we shared our burden with others and our Father touched the hearts of many to participate in showing Christ's love to the village of Mafutseni in a tangible way.
This video consists of the pictures recently sent to me, taken during the celebration of the village receiving the food we have provided. We've received enough donations to help feed this village for the rest of 2008. We have received the money to dig a well, which will happen before the end of the year.
The building you see with the bags of maize (corn meal), beans, and oil was empty when we were there. It was in that building that we met with the Chief of Mafutseni and with his tribal council. Now, as you see in these shots, the room is filled with food which will be distributed to the people there.
Our goal is to dig four more wells in Mafutseni, allowing them the opportunity to irrigate their crops and to become self-sufficent. Will you consider helping? Email me for more information on digging these wells. This would be a great project for your family, your Sunday School class, your Grace Walk Group or even your church. Let's continue to pray for the people of Swaziland and let's move forward together to show them Jesus' love.
(The music with this video is Dave Bilbrough's song, "An Army of Ordinary People." You can purchase Dave's CDs on the resource page of our web site at
P.S. I hope to upload pictures and video of our recent GW Leadership Summit in Niagara, Ontario last week. We all had a wonderful time and are excited about the days ahead in ministry.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Headed Home From Canada
We are heading back home, after a week in Ontario. Our meeting with the Grace Walk Leadership Team and our Growing Grace Revolution Conference were great experiences for all of us who attended. It was encouraging to us all to be together again and to have our Father further unify our hearts and clarify our shared vision to impact the world with the message of the grace walk.
Many of our team members shared the stories of their own journeys into the grace walk. Regardless of the details, the pattern for everybody who comes to understand the grace walk is the same. 1.Trying zealously to live the Christian life. 2.Beginning to feel like something isn't right in our walk with God. 3. Becoming discouraged and utterly defeated, often as a result of a great trial that leads us to brokenness. 4. Being exposed to what the Apostle Paul called "the mystery of the gospel" (the grace walk). 5.Feeling like we've been been born again . . . again. 5. Seeing everything in life differently. 6. Ongoing transformation in which we feel a new sense of freedom, joy, rest, absence of condemnation, love for Christ and others, etc.
It's the same story, all over the world. This week was a great time for us to bask in our Father's love and enjoy each other's company. Now we're all going home, fired up about sharing this wonderful gospel of grace in our respective countries.
Michael Zenker and the Grace Walk Canada team did an awesome job planning this event. I hope to have pictures and video here on the blog soon.
Many of our team members shared the stories of their own journeys into the grace walk. Regardless of the details, the pattern for everybody who comes to understand the grace walk is the same. 1.Trying zealously to live the Christian life. 2.Beginning to feel like something isn't right in our walk with God. 3. Becoming discouraged and utterly defeated, often as a result of a great trial that leads us to brokenness. 4. Being exposed to what the Apostle Paul called "the mystery of the gospel" (the grace walk). 5.Feeling like we've been been born again . . . again. 5. Seeing everything in life differently. 6. Ongoing transformation in which we feel a new sense of freedom, joy, rest, absence of condemnation, love for Christ and others, etc.
It's the same story, all over the world. This week was a great time for us to bask in our Father's love and enjoy each other's company. Now we're all going home, fired up about sharing this wonderful gospel of grace in our respective countries.
Michael Zenker and the Grace Walk Canada team did an awesome job planning this event. I hope to have pictures and video here on the blog soon.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Report 2 From Niagara Falls
Yesterday was a great day with our leaders. I scheduled time for many of them to share reports from their ministries and testimonies of how they came to understand the grace walk. It is so encouraging to me to see the team our Father has raised up to work together through Grace Walk Ministries. Our National Directors from the U.S., Mexico, El Salvador, Argentina and Canada are all highly passionate about the message and are doing a great job. I am so thankful for them and proud of them and their commitment to see their nations understand our Father's love and grace.
It really is good to meet some of our Grace Walk Group Leaders this week. If the ones who couldn't be with us here are the kind of people as those who are with me here now, we are going to make a huge difference by sharing the grace walk!
I received an email this week from one of our GW Group Leaders (Rick Moffett) who said that his group has already given birth to two new groups. It is as groups function this way that we are going to see the grace revolution transform lives with the love of God!
I'm about to leave now for our morning session. Thanks for your interest in what God is doing through Grace Walk Ministries. Please continue to pray for us.
It really is good to meet some of our Grace Walk Group Leaders this week. If the ones who couldn't be with us here are the kind of people as those who are with me here now, we are going to make a huge difference by sharing the grace walk!
I received an email this week from one of our GW Group Leaders (Rick Moffett) who said that his group has already given birth to two new groups. It is as groups function this way that we are going to see the grace revolution transform lives with the love of God!
I'm about to leave now for our morning session. Thanks for your interest in what God is doing through Grace Walk Ministries. Please continue to pray for us.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Report from Niagara Falls
This morning we had our first session for the Grace Walk Leadership Summit. I'm speaking in the morning sessions on the subjects of healthy cooperation, having commitment and handling criticism. These teachings are for our Leadership Team. It is encouraging to have some of the Grace Walk Group leaders here with us in addition to our leaders from five other countries.
The evening sessions are on the topic, "The Growing Grace Revolution." I spoke tonight on "The Cultural Evidence of the Revolution." Tomorrow night I'll speak on "The Biblical Evidence of the Revolution" and then "The Practical Evidence of the Revolution" on the last night. I was probably more bold tonight about the movement of God to free people from the dead legalism of the religious church world than I've ever been. It makes me nervous sometimes to say the things I sincerely believe the Lord is moving me to say. Like anybody else, I don't like to be criticized and I know that some things I say are likely to excite the critics and incite the criticism. I pray that God will give me the boldness to do and say what I sense Him moving in me to do. Revolutions aren't won by cowards and, contrary to the way people sometimes perceive me, I'm not excited about charging forward into a battle where I know I'll be shot at by opponents of God's grace. By His grace (empowerment), I'll just do it. I do hope you and others will join me.
One special treat this week is having Dave Bilbrough from London, England to lead us in worship. Dave's music and message resonates with me deeper than anybody I know. He is an extremely gifted man with humility, a sense of humor and an ability to lead worship that is rare. I never hear him that tears don't flow as I bask in my Father's love through Dave's music.
I'll post some videos as soon as possible. I don't have any tonight. It's late and I wanted to post this update.
The evening sessions are on the topic, "The Growing Grace Revolution." I spoke tonight on "The Cultural Evidence of the Revolution." Tomorrow night I'll speak on "The Biblical Evidence of the Revolution" and then "The Practical Evidence of the Revolution" on the last night. I was probably more bold tonight about the movement of God to free people from the dead legalism of the religious church world than I've ever been. It makes me nervous sometimes to say the things I sincerely believe the Lord is moving me to say. Like anybody else, I don't like to be criticized and I know that some things I say are likely to excite the critics and incite the criticism. I pray that God will give me the boldness to do and say what I sense Him moving in me to do. Revolutions aren't won by cowards and, contrary to the way people sometimes perceive me, I'm not excited about charging forward into a battle where I know I'll be shot at by opponents of God's grace. By His grace (empowerment), I'll just do it. I do hope you and others will join me.
One special treat this week is having Dave Bilbrough from London, England to lead us in worship. Dave's music and message resonates with me deeper than anybody I know. He is an extremely gifted man with humility, a sense of humor and an ability to lead worship that is rare. I never hear him that tears don't flow as I bask in my Father's love through Dave's music.
I'll post some videos as soon as possible. I don't have any tonight. It's late and I wanted to post this update.
Monday, October 13, 2008
In Ontario

Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Ups And Downs of Life
The past few weeks have been intense for Melanie and me. I arrived home from Australia to almost immediately receive the news of an accident my aunt had, which has put her in Intensive Care in Savannah, GA for almost three weeks.(See 9/27 blog entry.) So we immediately went there, where we spent much of our time at the hospital. She is stable now, but is still in the ICU.
I was scheduled to be with my friend, Mark Maulding, at Grace Life International in Charlotte last weekend to speak at a banquet he was having, but it was necessary for me to cancel the trip there. Mark was one of the first friends I made after coming to understand who I am in Christ. I was starving to be with other people who knew the same thing I had come to know and he was a real encouragement to me as we had many lunches together while I was still sorting out how "this grace thing" applied to so many areas of my legalistic background and theology. God is using him and GLI to make a profound difference in many people's lives.
This coming week we will be in Niagara Falls in Ontario where we will have our Grace Walk Leadership Summit on Tuesday through Thursday mornings and have "The Growing Grace Revolution Conference" in the evenings. I'll be there all week. We will have people there from the U.S., Canada, El Salvador, Mexico, Argentina and England. Our Grace Walk Group Leaders have been invited to the morning sessions and I look forward to meeting them there, along with the team of leaders we have from the various countries. The morning sessions are only for our GW leadership, but the evening sessions are open to everybody.
The week will be a time of encouraging each other, allowing the Lord to increase our vision and strengthen the personal and ministry relationships we all share. I continue to be amazed by the way the Lord is spreading the message of the grace walk around he world. Thank God, the message has now reached every continent. I'm amazed.
If there is any way we can have an Internet connection in the location where we'll meet for the evening sessions, I'm going to try to broadcast the sessions over our ustream Internet station. Check it out at I'll post more here on the blog about that, if it's possible to broadcast live.
I was scheduled to be with my friend, Mark Maulding, at Grace Life International in Charlotte last weekend to speak at a banquet he was having, but it was necessary for me to cancel the trip there. Mark was one of the first friends I made after coming to understand who I am in Christ. I was starving to be with other people who knew the same thing I had come to know and he was a real encouragement to me as we had many lunches together while I was still sorting out how "this grace thing" applied to so many areas of my legalistic background and theology. God is using him and GLI to make a profound difference in many people's lives.
This coming week we will be in Niagara Falls in Ontario where we will have our Grace Walk Leadership Summit on Tuesday through Thursday mornings and have "The Growing Grace Revolution Conference" in the evenings. I'll be there all week. We will have people there from the U.S., Canada, El Salvador, Mexico, Argentina and England. Our Grace Walk Group Leaders have been invited to the morning sessions and I look forward to meeting them there, along with the team of leaders we have from the various countries. The morning sessions are only for our GW leadership, but the evening sessions are open to everybody.
The week will be a time of encouraging each other, allowing the Lord to increase our vision and strengthen the personal and ministry relationships we all share. I continue to be amazed by the way the Lord is spreading the message of the grace walk around he world. Thank God, the message has now reached every continent. I'm amazed.
If there is any way we can have an Internet connection in the location where we'll meet for the evening sessions, I'm going to try to broadcast the sessions over our ustream Internet station. Check it out at I'll post more here on the blog about that, if it's possible to broadcast live.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mike Zenker, Grace Walk Canada Director
Check out this link which shows my friend, Willard Thiesen interviewing Grace Walk Canada's National Director, Mike Zenker. This program is broadcast nationally across Canada.
I'm so proud of Mike Zenker. We are blessed to have him working with our ministry.
I'm so proud of Mike Zenker. We are blessed to have him working with our ministry.
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