It's exciting to hear of lives being transformed by God's grace! Like me, Bill was a Christian many years before understanding the grace of God for the Christian life.
Bill writes:
Some details about myself, I was born in 1945 in Ballymena Co Antrim, brought up in a traditional Christian home. Attended church at the Gospel Hall.
I put my faith in Jesus Christ at the early age of 13 years. Church was a place where I was taught that the way to gain recognition was to obey all the rules and regulations, on doing that I would live closer to God. I tried for 30 years and miserably failed. On moving away from the area I attended a more open Gospel Hall, I started to enjoy a little freedom, but this was short lived. New people came and started to change the whole structure back to what I had left.
My wife Sybil and I decided to leave and search out a new church, we found A Christian Fellowship in the town of Coleraine, we started to attend and found more freedom to worship God, but also found a church that showed a love that we never experienced before. That was 10 years ago, and I am now an elder in the church.
I am going through The Grace Walk Experience and will soon finish. It has given me an insight into living the abundant Christian life that I have been searching 50 years for. To realise that Jesus has completely done everything, the old me is dead, the new me is Holy and Righteous because I have the life of Christ living in me. I can now live the abundant Christian Life I have been searching for. When I found this truth out I jumped for joy and praised my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother Steve, I praise God tonight that I ever came across the work book on the Grace Walk, I will never be the same again.
I am so excited about being part of this ministry, to have the opportunity of telling others about the way the Grace Walk experience has changed my life.
May God bless your Grace Walk Ministries, and that millions of Christians all over the world will find this God given freedom found only in Christ.
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