In John 5, Jesus approached a man lying by the Pool of Bethesda who had been paralyzed for 38 years. The Bible says that occasionally an angel would come down and stir the water and whoever was the first one to get into the water was healed. When Jesus approached the man, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"
At first glance, that seems like a strange question to ask a paralyzed man. "Do you want to get well?" One might guess the man would answer, "Of course I want to get well!" But that's not what he said. Instead, he answered, "I don't have anybody to put me in the pool when the water is stirred." Jesus hadn't asked the man why he hadn't already gotten into the pool. He asked him if he wanted to be made well, but the man responded with an excuse.
I've counseled people for over 35 years and have found that not everybody wants to be well. If they were well, they couldn't blame other people for their problems. They couldn't blame their circumstances. They couldn't blame themselves. They would have to assume responsibility and began to move forward in life. No, as strange as it may seem, not everybody wants to get well. Some would rather live as martyrs who think they just can't catch a break.
This man had given up hope. He had been in that same place for so long that he made the mistake of assuming his future would be just like his past. It was outside the realm of his paradigm that Christ might step onto the scene and change everything in an instant.
Many today make the same mistake. We think that nothing will ever change. After all, life has always been this way and we can't imagine why it won't keep being this way. When we adapt this mindset, we have lost sight of the greatness and grace of the One to whom we belong.
Maybe you've been given to making excuses in your life. Perhaps you've lost hope in the midst of debilitating circumstances. Take heart! Jesus sees you in your need and wants to help you. Cast off your excuses, trust Him and rise up and walk.
(This blog was taken from a message I shared a few weeks ago on Sunday Preaching. Last week there were over 500 computers logged in to watch the message. Some people gathered together in groups to watch. Join us this week at at 5:00 EST for Sunday Preaching! If you can't join then, I leave the message up all week for you to watch at your convenience.)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What I've Been Reading
I just finished reading The Soloist by Steve Lopez. It is the true story of Los Angeles Times staff writer Steve Lopez friendship with Nathaniel Ayers.
Lopez first encountered Ayers when he saw him on Skid Row in L.A., playing a two-string violin. Thinking there may be a story there, he met Ayers and began to uncover an amazing story about the mysterious street musician. More than thirty years earlier, Ayers had been an up and coming classical bass student at Julliard. Little by little, he lost his ability to function as he was overcome by a mental breakdown.
Lopez sets out to change Ayers' life, only to experience one frustrating experience after another as he learned how hard it was to deal with Ayers mental illness. The book shows how that, in the process of selflessly trying to change Ayers' life, his own life is profoundly changed.
In the end, Lopez learns that the most important thing of all is to show love to Ayers. One doctor tells him, "Relationship is primary. It is possible to cause seemingly biochemical changes through human emotional involvement. You literally have changed his chemistry by being his friend."
This true story is a wonderful example of the redemptive power of love. It shows how unconditional love has the power to transform people's lives, even if it's a street person with serious mental problems.
The story will be told in a movie by the same name, opening in theaters in March. I certainly plan to see it.
Lopez first encountered Ayers when he saw him on Skid Row in L.A., playing a two-string violin. Thinking there may be a story there, he met Ayers and began to uncover an amazing story about the mysterious street musician. More than thirty years earlier, Ayers had been an up and coming classical bass student at Julliard. Little by little, he lost his ability to function as he was overcome by a mental breakdown.
Lopez sets out to change Ayers' life, only to experience one frustrating experience after another as he learned how hard it was to deal with Ayers mental illness. The book shows how that, in the process of selflessly trying to change Ayers' life, his own life is profoundly changed.
In the end, Lopez learns that the most important thing of all is to show love to Ayers. One doctor tells him, "Relationship is primary. It is possible to cause seemingly biochemical changes through human emotional involvement. You literally have changed his chemistry by being his friend."
This true story is a wonderful example of the redemptive power of love. It shows how unconditional love has the power to transform people's lives, even if it's a street person with serious mental problems.
The story will be told in a movie by the same name, opening in theaters in March. I certainly plan to see it.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Terrorized By The Law
I recently began to wonder what the actual meaning of the phrase, Al-Qaeda is so I looked it up to find its literal definition. The meaning of the phrase is "the base." Of course, it's the place from which terrorists plan and carry out their attacks against innocent people across the world.
As soon as I discovered the literal meaning of the phrase, my thoughts turned to the passage in Romans 7 that I have taught so many times over the past two decades. It's where the Apostle Paul talked about the law and how the power of indwelling sin uses the law to defeat us in our walk. In verse eleven, he said: "For sin, taking an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me."
If you look at the word "opportunity" in a Greek Lexicon (a book that provides the literal meaning of Greek words), you'll discover that the Greek word used in this verse is aphorme. The literal definition of the word as it's used in Romans 7:11 is "a place from which a movement or attack is made, a base of operations."
What an interesting fact. The power of indwelling sin that resides in our body uses the Law of God against us to set up a base of operations to terrorize and defeat us. Indwelling sin in our bodies is the Bin Laden against our souls and the flesh is Al-Qaeda.
Remember that there is nothing wrong with the Law of God. God's Law was given to open the eyes of the self-righteous to their own unrighteousness. The fact is, though, that you and I have been released from the Law (See Romans 7:6) through our death with Christ on the cross. By His grace, we saw our own unrighteousness and, by His grace, we repented of the folly of our sin and turned to Him in faith. At that moment, we were born again and now have no connection to the Law whatsoever. (Read Romans 7:1-6 for the biblical explanation.)
If we don't realize that we have moved out of the bondage of Babylonian captivity, we will still live under the terroristic threats of legalism. But you have been delivered from Babylon. You aren't under the Law anymore. The religious Al-Qaeda have no rights or authority over you anymore. Your Liberator has set you free and "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed."
On this Martin Luther King day, maybe the best way to describe your condition might be to use His words. You are indeed, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, free at last!"
As soon as I discovered the literal meaning of the phrase, my thoughts turned to the passage in Romans 7 that I have taught so many times over the past two decades. It's where the Apostle Paul talked about the law and how the power of indwelling sin uses the law to defeat us in our walk. In verse eleven, he said: "For sin, taking an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me."
If you look at the word "opportunity" in a Greek Lexicon (a book that provides the literal meaning of Greek words), you'll discover that the Greek word used in this verse is aphorme. The literal definition of the word as it's used in Romans 7:11 is "a place from which a movement or attack is made, a base of operations."
What an interesting fact. The power of indwelling sin that resides in our body uses the Law of God against us to set up a base of operations to terrorize and defeat us. Indwelling sin in our bodies is the Bin Laden against our souls and the flesh is Al-Qaeda.
Remember that there is nothing wrong with the Law of God. God's Law was given to open the eyes of the self-righteous to their own unrighteousness. The fact is, though, that you and I have been released from the Law (See Romans 7:6) through our death with Christ on the cross. By His grace, we saw our own unrighteousness and, by His grace, we repented of the folly of our sin and turned to Him in faith. At that moment, we were born again and now have no connection to the Law whatsoever. (Read Romans 7:1-6 for the biblical explanation.)
If we don't realize that we have moved out of the bondage of Babylonian captivity, we will still live under the terroristic threats of legalism. But you have been delivered from Babylon. You aren't under the Law anymore. The religious Al-Qaeda have no rights or authority over you anymore. Your Liberator has set you free and "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed."
On this Martin Luther King day, maybe the best way to describe your condition might be to use His words. You are indeed, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, free at last!"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday Preaching Every Week At 5:00 Eastern Standard Time
I want to make you aware of something I've begun doing that I hope will encourage you in your grace walk during the coming months. Every Sunday from now until the end of June, I plan to share a grace filled message online at five in the afternoon. (Eastern Standard Time)
I'm thankful for our Grace Walk Group Leaders who are studying with their groups each week. I see that as a sort of Sunday School approach to learning the grace walk. How these Sundays meetings will differ is that I am sharing a sermon each week, from a grace based perspective that I hope will encourage you.
Some are inviting others to their homes to watch the messages online together and then are discussing them afterward. I encourage you to think about getting a group together and being a part of this "online church service" every week.
You can watch me share the message on our home page at I just checked the counter on the console of the player and last week 335 people participated. That's a small church! Will you join us today at 5:00 EST as we move forward together to grow in our own grace walk? And let other people know about this opportunity.
The growing grace revolution will gain momentum as we each reach out to other people at every opportunity to let them know about ways they can grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm thankful for our Grace Walk Group Leaders who are studying with their groups each week. I see that as a sort of Sunday School approach to learning the grace walk. How these Sundays meetings will differ is that I am sharing a sermon each week, from a grace based perspective that I hope will encourage you.
Some are inviting others to their homes to watch the messages online together and then are discussing them afterward. I encourage you to think about getting a group together and being a part of this "online church service" every week.
You can watch me share the message on our home page at I just checked the counter on the console of the player and last week 335 people participated. That's a small church! Will you join us today at 5:00 EST as we move forward together to grow in our own grace walk? And let other people know about this opportunity.
The growing grace revolution will gain momentum as we each reach out to other people at every opportunity to let them know about ways they can grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Do You Know Your Own Heart?
I like this. Thanks to Ana Vincent, from Grace Walk Canada, for sending it along.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Paraclete And The Marathon
My oldest daughter, Amy, and my youngest son, David ran a marathon in Orlando this past weekend. The distance is 26.2 miles. Amy is a personal trainer and had run a marathon last year. This was 29 year old David's first time. He had trained to do this for a year.
We arrived there at 5:00 AM and David's anxiousness about the race was palpable. He was fidgety and nervous as we approached the drop off point. Due to various circumstances, he had only been able to run 18 miles on his last long run. He should have been able to build up to 22 by then. Could he make the distance now? He had tossed and turned, finding it hard to sleep the night before. He hoped he would be able to finish the race, but doubts haunted him now that the morning of the marathon was here.
Amy took her cell phone with her to keep Melanie and me posted about their progress along the way. At 6:00, the phone rang. "We're off," Amy said, with obvious enthusiasm in her voice. After that the phone would ring every five miles. We would encourage them and onward they would run.
At 10 miles, Amy called. "David said he would speak to you, but he swallowed his tongue two miles back," she joked. At 13 miles, she called back to tell us that his shirt was rubbing the nipples on his chest raw and he was bleeding. The fun was wearing off of this event. He kept running.
At 18 miles, the phone rang again. By now they were both tired - too tired to laugh and joke as they had been doing.
At 23 miles, it all unraveled. David said it felt like he was running on shards of glass and that every muscle in his body hurt. He consciously had to tell his feet, "Step, step, step." His thoughts began to bombard him with the belief that he had to quit. "I hate to stop after coming this far," he thought, "but I can't make it."
Being an accomplished trainer, his sister Amy knew what to do. "You can go for 30 seconds more, can't you?" she asked. He thought he could, so they kept running. And he did. Then Amy said, "Only a mile more, David. Can you go just sixty more seconds?" With tears streaming down his cheeks, he did.
"There's the finish line ahead, David!" Amy said. "Don't stop now! There it is!" David forced one foot in front of the other. "Everything seemed so surrealistic," he would later say. "I only saw the finish line." He pushed himself a little more and finally, David and Amy crossed the finished line together. Now the tears were tears of joy.
The Bible teaches that the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives is much like that of Amy toward David during the race. In John 14:16, Jesus promised that another paraclete would come to help His disciples. The word "paraclete" comes from the Greek word paráklētos and refers to a helper who comes to enable us to finish the task.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. He lives in us, empowering us to keep on moving forward through the course of life even when it seems that we can't take another step. Looking toward the finish line, the Apostle Paul said, "I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith. Finally there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing" (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
As you and I move toward the finish line in this life, we have someone who runs the race with us. Or to be more specific, He runs the race through us. All we need to do to finish the race is to depend on Him.
I'm proud of my children. How long did it take them to cross the finish line? I don't have a clue and couldn't care less. They ran over 26 miles! The point wasn't their time. The point was to succeed by finishing. Many quit along the way. Some were carried away on stretchers. My kids kept going and kept going and kept going. And they finished. Finishing well - that's the victory of the race - not just on the race course but in all of life. Depend on the Spirit of Christ within you to empower you to keep running. Even when you feel like giving up, He will be with you to guide you across the finish line.
Monday, January 12, 2009
What I've Been Reading
Written by a clincial neuroscientist, psychiatrist and brain imagining expert, this book is a medical, scientific explanation of the power of our thoughts to change our life.
I recorded a teaching series last year called "Think About It." The subtitle is "How changing the way you think can transform your life." I wish I'd read this book before I recorded the teachings. Author, Dr. Daniel Amen (no kidding) explains in medical terms many of the things the Bible teaches.
For instance:
Five Steps To Improve Your Brain And Reality:
1. Do Not Believe Every First Thought You Have
Feed your brain accurate information, not just your gut feeling. Correct your perceptions and change your brain.
2. Realize That Your Thoughts Are Extraordinarily Powerful
Every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals. A positive thought releases chemicals that help you feel better. When you think miserable, negative thoughts your brain works less efficiently.
3. Recognize That Thoughts Lie, Are Easily Distorted, And Can Rob You Of Joy
People who suffer from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder are filled with automatic negative thoughts (ANT). If you suffer from this problem, it is important to develop an internal automatic anteater to rid yourself of these pests and their nests.
4. Use Your Placebo Effect
Your brain takes what it sees and makes it happen. Change your beliefs, change your brain.
5. Tell Your Brain What You Want, And Match Your Behavior To Get It
Take a sheet of paper and write down your major goals. Next to each heading, write down what's important to you in that area. Let your brain help you develop and implement your life goals.
I don't know if Dr. Amen is a Christian, but at many points in this book he clearly states biblical truths from a medical standpoint.
I recorded a teaching series last year called "Think About It." The subtitle is "How changing the way you think can transform your life." I wish I'd read this book before I recorded the teachings. Author, Dr. Daniel Amen (no kidding) explains in medical terms many of the things the Bible teaches.
For instance:
Five Steps To Improve Your Brain And Reality:
1. Do Not Believe Every First Thought You Have
Feed your brain accurate information, not just your gut feeling. Correct your perceptions and change your brain.
2. Realize That Your Thoughts Are Extraordinarily Powerful
Every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals. A positive thought releases chemicals that help you feel better. When you think miserable, negative thoughts your brain works less efficiently.
3. Recognize That Thoughts Lie, Are Easily Distorted, And Can Rob You Of Joy
People who suffer from depression, anxiety, and panic disorder are filled with automatic negative thoughts (ANT). If you suffer from this problem, it is important to develop an internal automatic anteater to rid yourself of these pests and their nests.
4. Use Your Placebo Effect
Your brain takes what it sees and makes it happen. Change your beliefs, change your brain.
5. Tell Your Brain What You Want, And Match Your Behavior To Get It
Take a sheet of paper and write down your major goals. Next to each heading, write down what's important to you in that area. Let your brain help you develop and implement your life goals.
I don't know if Dr. Amen is a Christian, but at many points in this book he clearly states biblical truths from a medical standpoint.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Anointing
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners. Isaiah 61:1
The imagery in this text is graphic. When Aaron was anointed, they didn’t just put a little dab of oil on his forehead. Instead, they poured it on top of his head in such excess that it ran down his head, soaked his beard until it dripped off his beard onto his robe. Then the oil ran down his robe all the way to the edge. This was a man who was drenched in oil.
Would you like for God to pour out ability infused with divine power on you in the way they poured out the oil on Aaron? Can you imagine what you could accomplish in your lifetime if He chose to do that? Isaiah said, "the Lord has anointed me," but does that include you? It does.
Much has been said in the modern church about spiritual anointing. I’ve often had people tell me that they would pray that I might be anointed as I have spoken in their churches. I've heard preachers on TV offering special anointing oil for a small donation. I’ve had people ask me to pray for them to be anointed.
Isaiah's words provide some news you will be glad to hear. The news is this: You already have the anointing of God. That’s right, you already possess divine capabilities. How can we know this? It’s because of something Jesus said.
Luke 4:16,22 records an incident in the life of Jesus which is particularly relevant to this matter of anointing. The text tells that one day when Jesus went to Nazareth, He went into the temple on the Sabbath. Somebody handed him the book of Isaiah and He stood up to read. The place where He read was from Isaiah 61. Jesus read the text, closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. Every eye was fixed on Him. What would He say? Would He tell them how they, too, might experience the promises of this Old Testament passage? Might they be able to receive the anointing of which Isaiah spoke?
Jesus said to them, Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing. As he continued to speak, the people were spellbound by His words. They were in awe at the gracious words which were falling from His lips (Luke4:22).
When Jesus said that the Scripture in Isaiah had been fulfilled that very day, He was revealing that He was the personification of the anointing of God. The anointing has come to us in the person of the Anointed One! Because Jesus Christ lives inside you, you have everything you need to do anything that God has planned for you to do!
Paul wrote that, In [Christ] all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete (Colossians 2:9,10). If Jesus Christ lives in you, everything you need to succeed in life resides within you. You have need of nothing else.
God’s grace within you is the anointing you need to accomplish everything He has planned for you. Grace equals enablement! You have miraculous, supernatural, God-given, enablement. That sets you apart from others whose dreams depend on their own ability.
The early church grasped this fact and accomplished miraculous results. The same is possible for you. John reminds us, “But you have an anointing from the Holy One (1 John 2:20). Notice that he doesn’t say you still need it, but that you have it. He further notes, “As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you (2:27). The word here means continue to be present and not depart.
In Jesus Christ, you already have all you need to have to do all that you need to do to accomplish God’s plan for your life. Do you understand your ability? Like the anointing of Aaron, you haven‘t been given a small dab of ability. It just isn’t His nature to give sparingly.
When He gives, He really pours it on! You are drenched in divine ability to do all that He has planned for you to do.
The imagery in this text is graphic. When Aaron was anointed, they didn’t just put a little dab of oil on his forehead. Instead, they poured it on top of his head in such excess that it ran down his head, soaked his beard until it dripped off his beard onto his robe. Then the oil ran down his robe all the way to the edge. This was a man who was drenched in oil.
Would you like for God to pour out ability infused with divine power on you in the way they poured out the oil on Aaron? Can you imagine what you could accomplish in your lifetime if He chose to do that? Isaiah said, "the Lord has anointed me," but does that include you? It does.
Much has been said in the modern church about spiritual anointing. I’ve often had people tell me that they would pray that I might be anointed as I have spoken in their churches. I've heard preachers on TV offering special anointing oil for a small donation. I’ve had people ask me to pray for them to be anointed.
Isaiah's words provide some news you will be glad to hear. The news is this: You already have the anointing of God. That’s right, you already possess divine capabilities. How can we know this? It’s because of something Jesus said.
Luke 4:16,22 records an incident in the life of Jesus which is particularly relevant to this matter of anointing. The text tells that one day when Jesus went to Nazareth, He went into the temple on the Sabbath. Somebody handed him the book of Isaiah and He stood up to read. The place where He read was from Isaiah 61. Jesus read the text, closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. Every eye was fixed on Him. What would He say? Would He tell them how they, too, might experience the promises of this Old Testament passage? Might they be able to receive the anointing of which Isaiah spoke?
Jesus said to them, Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing. As he continued to speak, the people were spellbound by His words. They were in awe at the gracious words which were falling from His lips (Luke4:22).
When Jesus said that the Scripture in Isaiah had been fulfilled that very day, He was revealing that He was the personification of the anointing of God. The anointing has come to us in the person of the Anointed One! Because Jesus Christ lives inside you, you have everything you need to do anything that God has planned for you to do!
Paul wrote that, In [Christ] all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete (Colossians 2:9,10). If Jesus Christ lives in you, everything you need to succeed in life resides within you. You have need of nothing else.
God’s grace within you is the anointing you need to accomplish everything He has planned for you. Grace equals enablement! You have miraculous, supernatural, God-given, enablement. That sets you apart from others whose dreams depend on their own ability.
The early church grasped this fact and accomplished miraculous results. The same is possible for you. John reminds us, “But you have an anointing from the Holy One (1 John 2:20). Notice that he doesn’t say you still need it, but that you have it. He further notes, “As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you (2:27). The word here means continue to be present and not depart.
In Jesus Christ, you already have all you need to have to do all that you need to do to accomplish God’s plan for your life. Do you understand your ability? Like the anointing of Aaron, you haven‘t been given a small dab of ability. It just isn’t His nature to give sparingly.
When He gives, He really pours it on! You are drenched in divine ability to do all that He has planned for you to do.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What I've Been Reading
My family has teased me for years about my affection for Mr. Rogers. I've never channel-surfed without stopping to watch him if he was on a TV station. "Why do you like him?" one of my kids asked me once. "Because he likes me just the way I am!" I jokingly responded.
Although I was joking, I will admit that there has always been something about Fred Rogers that I've found appealing. I learned many years ago that he was both a Christian and an ordained minister. After reading The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers, (a Christmas gift) I better understand why I and so many others found him to be so compelling a personality despite his gentle, quiet mannerisms.
Fred Rogers saw his television neighborhood as his pulpit and saw his TV neighbors as his congregation. He said that he considered the space between the TV and the viewer to be "sacred space" where the Holy Spirit translated to the viewers what they needed to hear. I think he was a good example of a person expressing Christ's love in a non-religious way.
You may not like Mr. Rogers, but you'd better not trash-talk him to me. :) I've always liked him and, after reading this book about his life, I better understand why I did.
Although I was joking, I will admit that there has always been something about Fred Rogers that I've found appealing. I learned many years ago that he was both a Christian and an ordained minister. After reading The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers, (a Christmas gift) I better understand why I and so many others found him to be so compelling a personality despite his gentle, quiet mannerisms.
Fred Rogers saw his television neighborhood as his pulpit and saw his TV neighbors as his congregation. He said that he considered the space between the TV and the viewer to be "sacred space" where the Holy Spirit translated to the viewers what they needed to hear. I think he was a good example of a person expressing Christ's love in a non-religious way.
You may not like Mr. Rogers, but you'd better not trash-talk him to me. :) I've always liked him and, after reading this book about his life, I better understand why I did.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
God's Plans For Your Life
For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
One of the most fundamental yet challenging aspects of the grace walk is to live every day with an unwavering conviction that our God really is on our side. He's a God who has nothing but a zealous, active, and purposeful love for you. His constant desire is to see you enjoy Life to the fullest extent a person can know in this world.
One of the last things Jesus prayed when He was in this world was that His joy would remain in His disciples. He knew the persecution and trials they would face. He knew how troubles can threaten to shake off our joy, but He also knew that joy isn't connected to our outward circumstances. The source of joy is our eternal connection to our Heavenly Father.
The story of your life has been written in the eternal realm. It's a love story of one living in the Land of Law who is hopelessly enslaved in the prison of sin, daily tormented by the cruel prison-keeper. Then, beyond that land in the Garden of Grace, The Great King and the Price of Peace agree together that the Son will come to the wilderness of this wicked world, battle the forces of darkness, rescue the pitiful imprisoned pauper and give him a life of opulent blessing beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
This isn't a fairy tale. It's true, and it has already happened. You're living in the latter days of this story in a chapter entitled, "The New Covenant." God has redeemed you and is actively carrying out the last details of the story. During 2009, you can be assured that He is moving you further into the perfect plan He has for your life. It is a good plan with a wonderful future filled with bright hopes that He will fulfill.
Trust His goodness. Don't look to the external for your joy. The only thing it can offer is momentary happiness. Look to the Eternal, where Joy resides and never fades. God plans to do you good from this day forward and you aren't big enough to stop Him. So learn to live in the receiving mode (instead of an achieving mode) and develop the habit of thanksgiving. For eternity you will live that way so you might as well start to enjoy it now.
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